December 10, 2018

Arrogance is a performance based projection piece that explores the claims of republican elected officials and exposes the hypocrisy and danger of their claims. Arrogance revolves around a quote taken from Tim Walberg and Jim Inhofe who are state representatives in our federal government. Both these representatives believe that humans are not the cause of climate change, and that god is the only person who can fix this. My ...
December 10, 2018

Abstract This project is originated from my daily life experience. The experience of watching jellyfish always interests me. The concept is making people interact with jellyfishes so that they will view other life forms as equal to human beings. For the technical prototyping, I chose Unity as my tool to the world. Concept, design questions, goal In the beginning, I was thinking to design a jellyfish ...
December 10, 2018
Revenge from nature-FiFi & Yao

We started at the point of the situation after Typhoon. This is Unity form about the revenge from nature. Our concept is, anything that humans do to nature will eventually feedback to ourselves, possibly for worse. To think about what if the environment is raining garbage. And our goal is to let audiences to rethink about their behaviors and to imagine what if the surrounding environment which is the result of revenge ...
December 10, 2018
Project with Alto- Alya, Yao, FiFi
Recycled Poetry the working process on this prototype was dependent on the variables we received from the red group, we got a poem. so that was our main material. as a creative method, we decided to recycle it, to make different meanings out of it. one for each one of us. it was very abstract and poetic and not directly related to recycling. but it definitely addressed the beauty and complexity of ...
December 08, 2018
Tiffany Piko: maygodblessyou
maygodblessyou (a look inside Ohio Amish communities and the intersection between climate, lifestyles, and science) ( photo taken in Tiverton Township at Dan + Anna’s house. It is of baled hay ready for shipment. Their children wrote on it, including the phrase: ":) May God Bless You" ) Tiffany Piko + Alec Sheets ABSTRACT: In relation to a separate project that is looking to create a GMO cotton that blocks ...
December 08, 2018
Museum of Mutant Species

Slide deck Abstract: The project deals with the effect of increasing pollution and it’s effect on plant life and potentially other dependant species through the lens of design fiction. During the course of this project, we created mutant species of chickpeas based on predicted pollution levels and their effects on these species. We created a future world, where temperature rise has lead to destruction of food ...