Co-individuality – Carla

My main focus is fixed on the individual, its identity and the relationship with other identities when it feels isolated. This isolation comes from a political situation but I don’t want to turn around what generated this, I want to think from the point of view of this unrooted person.

“Uncertainty is approaching where we could become citizens of everywhere and anywhere at the same time. I would like to work around a Dystopic society with a temporary loss of identity. Each individual imaginary shapes this identity in order to keep a connexion with the roots of an entire group alienated on an ephemeral political space. Identity politics play a huge role on redefining the new nation, yet utopian at this point, but impossible to exist in a nearly future.

Loss of identity, individual within the system, individuals to individuals, mutability of individuals, alienation are concepts that I’m thinking about.”

My installation will create a utopian space/society/system where the relation of individuals with others and to the system is controlled by each individual. The real political scheme (an abstraction of it) can be modified by the will of each person entering and escaping from the system whenever they want. Something that in real life is not possible but it could be amazing to experience before achieving this state of temporary loss of identity. What if we could be responsible of our own relation to our surroundings no matter what and get visual feedback too?

I want to think about the system as the darkness, the absence of light. When the individual tries to enter to the system (in this installation approaching or touching), generates another image of itself, controlled by itself too.

I want to create a scenario with an abstract representation of the current absorbing and restricting system and our future imaginary identities (two different individuals at different spaces) colliding.

Even the viewer can take part of the experience being a testimony of this new connexion and can also be aware of the tension or blending going on between the current user/users and the system.

I do think that this interaction can be even more interesting if another person, interacting in another physical space can be part of it too. This allows to create a dystopic system controlled by 2 unknown individuals, non-related, which its real identity will remain an incognita but its imaginary one could interact affecting the space and as a consequence changing the visual perception of the system. 2 instances of an individual that are both alienated and can control how much want to be part of the system and to deal with the loss of this particular representation of themselves. Of course, they can decide when to take part or to disappear. Everything will remain as if they had never been there before. No consequences, no fear, just the freedom to experience this new identity for a while.

About the formal aspect of the project, I see all characters as particles or lines (as a sequence of particles in a certain movement). The system is randomized as an example of uncontrolled, chaotic, incomprehensible independent entity (from the individual’s point of view). On the contrary, the individual can decide how much wants to get involved and control its cluster of particles. Depending if the distance- pressure, the borders will start to blur, to blend to collide…

I really want to emphasise the empowerment of each individual controlling the boundaries and taking over control of this new identity.

This virtual exploration will show as many identities as individuals approaching to it. So, every time could be different if that’s the user’s wish.

Moreover, I will explain briefly my visual references + sketches:

  1. I really like this reference. Each color blending into others, the same way each person connects to others becoming part to a whole part which in this case is the system, but keeping its cluster of colour, and preserving its own identity.


2. Classic visual reference maybe, but thinking of particles as the minim unit forming the essence of each person, moving around at the peace of its “owner” waiting for other particles to intervene an altere the space.


3. This one keeps the human shape as a reference, which I am no sure I want to keep, but I love the idea of growing from our inner us to the outside.


4. Seems that flow fields generating this uncertain/random lines from each individual/user could help me to represent in an abstract but emotional way this relation between one, two, and all.


  1. Lastly, this idea of touching, feeling ourselves. To project our identity, to frame, and visualise the change.

(This idea also requires less space, which I think that could be a drawback with the other one).